Lizard (lacertilia)

Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with more than 6,000 species, running over all continents except Antarctica, just as most oceanic island chains.The group is paraphyletic as it avoids the snakes and Amphisbaenia; a few lizards are all the more firmly identified with these two excluded groups than they are to other lizards. Lizards extend in size from chameleons and geckos a few centimeters long to the 3 meter long Komodo dragon.



The Varanidae are a family of lizards in the superfamily Varanoidea. The family, a group of carnivorous and frugivorous lizards, includes the living genus Varanus

  • Varanus komodoensis (KOMODO DRAGON)
  • Varanus salvator (WATER MONITOR)
  • Varanus yuwonoi (THREE COLOR MONITOR )
  • Varanus indicus (MANGROVE TREE MONITOR)
  • Varanus rudicolis (ROUGHNECK MONITOR)
  • Varanus jobiensis (PEACH THROATED MONITOR)
  • Varanus doreanus (BLUETAIL MONITOR
  • Varanus salvadorii (CROCODILE MONITOR)
  • Varanus melinus (QUINCE MONITOR)
  • Varanus aufenbergi (ROTE MONITOR)
  • Varanus similis (DWARF MONITOR)
  • Varanus obor (TORCH MONITOR)
  • Varanus macraei (BLUE TREE MONITOR)
  • Varanus prasinus (GREEN TREE MONITOR)
  • Varanus reisingeri (YELLOW TREE MONITOR)
  • Varanus beccari (BLACK TREE MONITOR)
  • Varanus boehmei (GOLDEN SPOTTED MONITOR)
  • Varanus kordensis (NETTPATERN MONITOR)
  • Varanus panoptes (ARGUS MONITOR)


The Eublepharidae are a group of geckos consisting of 30 described species in six genera. They occur in Asia, Africa and North America. Eublepharid geckos lack adhesive toepads and, in contrast to other geckos, have movable eyelids, in this way normally called eyelid geckos. Leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) are well known pet lizards.

  • Eublepharis macularius (LEOPARD GECKO)


The Iguanidae are a group of lizards composed of iguanas and related species.

Iguanidae any of around 700 types of lizards in excess of 40 genera that establish the family Iguanidae. Iguanids are found all through the Americas from southern Canada to the tip of South America. The main special cases are one genus (Brachylophus) in Fiji and other Pacific islands and two genera (Oplurus and Chalarodon) in Madagascar.

The family includes the common (Iguana) of the American tropics, the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus) of the Galapagos Islands, and the regular genus Anolis with in excess of 200 species. Around 10 genera of iguanids are found in the United States, where they are by a long shot the most prominent lizards of the American Southwest.

Iguanids are comprised of eight subfamilies: Corytophaninae, Crotaphytinae, Hoplocercinae, Iguaninae, Oplurinae, Phrynosomatinae, Polychrotinae, and Tropidurinae. Some authorities have raised every one of these subfamilies to the family level. Iguanids are likewise identified with the Agamidae and the chameleons of the Eastern Hemisphere.

  • Iguanaiguana (COMMON IGUANA)
  • Cyclura cornuta (ROCK IGUANA)


Gekkonidae (the common geckos) is the biggest family of geckos, containing more than 950 described species in 61 genera. This family involves a considerable lot of the most widespread gecko species, including house geckos (Hemidactylus), tokay geckos (Gekko), day geckos (Phelsuma), mourning geckos (Lepidodactylus) and dtellas (Gehyra). Gekkonid geckos occure all inclusive and are especially species-wealthy in tropical regions.

  • Gekko gecko (TOCKAY GECKO)
  • Ptychozoon kuhli (FLYNG GECKO)
  • Cyrtodactylus lousiadensis (RING TAILED GECKO)
  • Gehyra marginata (HALMAHERA GECKO)
  • Gekko smithii (FOREST GECKO)
  • Gekko vittatus (WHITE LINED GECKO)


Skinks make up one of the most various and assorted of squamate families, containing around 1300 species. Skinks will in general look like lacertids, however many do not have an undeniable neck and their legs are moderately little. Without a doubt, many have diminished legs or none by any stretch of the imagination (eg, Typhlosaurus). Since skinks many burrow and dig, the head is frequently blunt ended.

  • Tiliqua gigas (BLUE TOUNGE SKINK)
  • Tiliqua scincoides (BLUE TOUNGE SKINK)


Agamidae is a group of more than 300 types of iguanian lizards indigenous to Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Numerous species are regularly called mythical dragons or dragon lizards. They might be sister to the Iguanidae, and have a comparative appearance. Agamids for the most part have very much evolved, strong legs.

Their tails can’t be shed and recovered like those of geckos (and a few other families, for example, skinks), however a specific measure of regeneration is seen in some. Numerous agamid species are capable of limited change of their colours to regulate their body temperature. In some species, males are more splendidly coloured than females, and colours have an influence in signaling and reproductive. In spite of the fact that agamids generally inhabit warm environments, running from hot deserts to tropical rainforests, at any rate one animal groups, the mountain dragon, is found in cooler regions.

  • Hydrosaurus amboinensis (SAILFIN LIZARD)


(normally known as legless lizards, snake-lizards, or flap-footed lizards) is a group of squamates with decreased or absent limbs, and are a kind of gecko. There are at any rate 35 species in two subfamilies and eight genera. They have surprisingly long, slender bodies, giving them a strong resemblance to snakes. Like snakes and most geckos, they have no eyelids, however not at all like snakes, they have external ear gaps and level, unforked tongues. They are local to Australia and New Guinea.

  • Liasis burtonis (LEGLESS LIZARD)


Snakes are elongated, legless, predatory reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates canvassed in overlapping scales. Numerous types of snakes have skulls with a few a bigger number of joints than their lizard ancestor, empowering them to swallow prey a lot bigger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws.


The Pythonidae, commonly known as pythons, are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world. Nine genera and 40 species are currently recognized.

  • Malayopython reticulatus (RETICULATED PYTHON)
  • Python bivittatus (ROCK PYTHON)
  • Python curtus (BLOOD PYTHON)
  • Python breitensteini (SHORT TAILED PYTHON)
  • Python brongersmai (BLOOD PYTHON)
  • Python regius (BALL PYTHON)
  • Morelia viridis (GREEN TREE PYTHON)
  • Morelia spilota (CARPET PYTHON)
  • Morelia amethistina (SCRUB PYTHON)
  • Simalia tracyae (HALMAHERA PYTHON)
  • Liasis savuensis (WHITE EYED PYTHON)
  • Liasis fuscus (WATER PYTHON)
  • Apodora papuana (OLIVE PYTHON)


The Boidae (Common names: boas, boids) are a group of nonvenomous snakes principally found in the Americas, albeit likewise existing in Africa, Madagascar, Europe, Asia, and some Pacific Islands. Moderately primitive snakes, adults are medium to large in size, with females generally bigger than the males. Five subfamilies, involving 12 genera and 49 species, are presently perceived.

  • Candoia carinata (PAPUAN TREE BOA)
  • Candoia carinata paulsoni (PAPUAN TREE BOA)
  • Candoia aspera (PAPUAN GROUND BOA)
  • Boa constrictor (BOA CONSTRICTOR)
  • Sanzinia madagascariensis (MADAGASCAN TREE BOA)
  • Eunectes notaeus (YELLOW ANACONDA)


is a family of venomous snakes endemic to tropical and subtropical regions around the world, with terrestrial forms in Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas alongside marine forms in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Members of this family have a wide range of sizes, from the smallest 18 cm (7.1 in) white-lipped snake to the longest 5.85 m (19.2 ft) king cobra, all of which, however, have fixed hollow fangs for venom injection to subdue prey and defend themselves. Most species have neurotoxins in their venom, while some may contain other toxic components with various proportions. This family includes 56 genera with some 360 species and some 170 subspecies.

  • Bungarus candidus (MALAYAN KRAIT)
  • Naja sputatrix (SPITTING COBRA)
  • Ophiophagus Hannah (KING COBRA)
  • Acanthophis antarcticus (DEATH ADDER)


All viperids have a couple of generally long solenoglyphous (empty) fangs that are used to inject venom from organs situated towards the rear of the upper jaws, simply behind the eyes. Every one of the two teeth is at the front of the mouth on a short maxillary bone that can rotate back and forth. At the point when not being used, the teeth crease back against the top of the mouth and are encased in a membranous sheath. This rotating mechanism considers long teeth to be contained in a moderately small mouth. The left and right teeth can be rotated together or freely. During a strike, the mouth can open almost 180° and the maxilla rotate forward, erecting the fangs as late as possible so the fangs don’t get damage, as they are fragile.

  • Tropidolaemus Waglery (WAGLERS PIT VIPER)
  • Tropidolaemus subanulatus (BORNEO TREE VIPER)
  • Trimeresurus insularis (BLUE / YELLOW TREE VIPER)
  • Trimeresurus albolabris (GREEN TREE VIPER)
  • Trimeresurus sumatranus (SUMATRAN TREE VIPER)
  • Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus (RED TREE VIPER)
  • Trimeresurus puniceus (EYELASH TREE VIPER)
  • Calloselasma rhodostoma (MALAYAN PIT VIPER)
  • Crotalus atrox (RATTLE SNAKE)


While most colubrids are not venomous (or have venom that isn’t known to be destructive to people) and are generally harmless, a few groups, for example, genus Boiga, can produce medically significant bites, while the boomslang, the twig snakes, and the Asian genus Rhabdophis have caused human fatalities.

  • Aheatulla prasina (GREEN VINE SNAKE)
  • Boiga dendhropila (MANGROVE CAT SNAKE)
  • Pantherophis guttatus (CORN SNAKE)
  • Lampropeltis getula brooksi (BROOKS KING SNAKE)
  • Rhapdophis subminiatus (RED-NECKED KEELBACK)